Cookies Policy

Date: May 28, 2024.

Intecplan is a 'desktop software' or 'desktop application' for educational and training use with ISBN 9786072927827 that serves as a computer tool to help in the formulation and evaluation of business plans or investment projects, and that is promoted and provides information about its content and use through the sites and as well as their subdomains, hereinafter “the website.” We use cookies for the website to function correctly.

What are 'cookies'?
They are small code files that are installed on your computer or cell phone when you visit a website to make it functional and to obtain information about visitors. There are first-party cookies, which are from the website itself, and third-party cookies, which are from other sites that provide a service for the page to show information, for example YouTube videos. Cookies can also be "necessary" when they are essential for the correct use of the site, "preferences" when they could be suspended but affect the functionality, "statistical" cookies that allow aggregate information to be obtained from visitors, such as "what country they are from.", “what articles they read”, or “what time they come in”, but that does not allow us to identify anyone in a particular and “marketing” way when they identify a behavior to, for example, show personalized ads, or allow us to remember who requested information in a form.

What type of cookies do we use and why?
We do not use first-party cookies, we only use Third-party cookies, necessary for the functioning of the website, and to obtain aggregated statistical information, and we try to keep them as minimal as possible for the functionality of the website.

  Third party cookies, necessary for the operation of the website.
  • From YouTube, They allow the operation of YouTube to view videos.
  • From, They allow you to provide you with a contact form and access to information resources such as the knowledge base.
  • From, it is the hosting service, Thew allow the operation of the website and provides aggregate statistical information.

  Third party cookies, statistics.
  • From Google, They provide us with aggregate statistical information about visitors to improve the website.

How can I reject or adjust the settings?
YouTube, TawkTo, and Newbox cookies are necessary for the website to function. To block Google cookies you must go into your browser settings and select 'block third-party cookies' or add the sites from which you want to block cookies. Google cookies are widely used, it is very likely that your browser's functionality will be affected if you block Google's cookies.

How can I get more information?
Consult the Terms and privacity or write to us through the form on the website.